Although Prostaglandin E2 starts your life by allowing a sperm to fertilize an egg (disabling the egg immunity), lets you get out of the uterus (uterine ripping for childbirth) and grows your body (stimulating your cell, brain, memory, and bone growth), it can end your life with infection, inflammation, fever, immune disorders and cancers. During your puberty, it lets you experience growing pains. After you pass puberty, you should reduce/adjust your cellular prostaglandin E2 release, so that it won't activate cancerous DNA for you.
Stress neurohormones norepinephrine and epinephrine can induce prostaglandin E2 release via stimulation of α1- and α2-noradrenergic receptors. It produces sympathetic nervous fire (火氣) in the brain and internal organs. It acts a warning sign of over-heating or excessive stress for your body. The most common sign is gum inflammation or oral bad smell (liver and lungs overheating).
Prostaglandin E2 heats up the central brain temperature for fever.
During sexual arousal, prostaglandin E2 gives you sex headaches, interstitial cystitis (ic) symptoms, unwanted discharge from the penis or the vagina, yeast infection, pain and inflammation in sex organs, premature orgasm, semen leakage and premature ejaculation.
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Prostagladnin E2 (PGE2) and cancer examples:
2. "Interleukin-17 and prostaglandin E2 are involved in formation of an M2 macrophage-dominant microenvironment in lung cancer." - ;
3. "The role of the EP receptors for prostaglandin E2 in skin and skin cancer." - ;
4. "Prostaglandin E2 EP receptors as therapeutic targets in breast cancer." -
Here is a simple, natural anti-PGE2 drug "Resolvin" : Omega-3 + Aspirin or water willow's salicin -;
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